'/> Noun Phrase : Penjelasan, Pengertian, Materi, Jenis, Pola, Pola Kalimat Dan Latihan Soal

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Noun Phrase : Penjelasan, Pengertian, Materi, Jenis, Pola, Pola Kalimat Dan Latihan Soal

Noun Phrase : Penjelasan, Pengertian, Materi, Jenis, Pola, Pola Kalimat
Dan Latihan Soal
Noun Phrase : Penjelasan, Pengertian, Materi, Jenis, Pola, Pola Kalimat
Dan Latihan Soal

Noun Phrase : Penjelasan, Pengertian, Materi, Jenis, Pola, Contoh Kalimat Dan Latihan Soal Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya


Pengertian Noun Phrase


Noun Phrase  ialah frasa antara Noun, Pronoun  atau  Number (berfungsi sebagai head) dan satu atau lebih modifier.

Frasa Kata benda dipakai dikala single noun tidak cukup spesifik untuk menunjuk kata benda.

 Contoh Kalimat Dan Latihan Soal Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya Noun Phrase : Penjelasan, Pengertian, Materi, Jenis, Pola, Contoh Kalimat Dan Latihan Soal
Noun Phrase


A noun phrase ialah sebuah phrase yang terdiri dari;

  1. a noun (also called head)

  2. and optionally modifiers.


Referensi Materi Lainnya dari IBI yang wajib kita ketahui :

Type of Noun Phrase ( Jenis Noun Phrase)


Basic Noun Phrase

Ada beberapa Komponen pembentuk Basic Noun phrase antara lain sebagai berikut:


Determiner  yaitu:

  • Pre (multiplier, fraction, distributive, intensifier, exclamative),

  • central (article, possessive, demonstrative)

  • Post-determiner (number, quantifier).


Head yaitu:

  • Nounatau numeral/number.


Perhatikan Contoh Basic Noun Phrase Berikut ini.

  • My bag (my = possessive,bag = head)

  • the next page (the = article,next = number, page = head)


Complex Noun Phrase

A noun phrase berisi  noun modifiers. Jika modifiers- modifiers ini diletakkan sebelum noun mereka ini disebut  pre-modifiers. Sedangkan jikalau mereka ditem[atkan sesudah noun disebut post-modifiers. Yang termasuk kedalam Noun Modifier ialah sebagai berikut:

  1. Determiner:

  • Articles (thea),

  • Demonstrative  (thisthat)

  • Numeral (twofive, etc.)

  • Possessive (mytheir, etc.)

  • Quantifier (somemany, etc.).

Dalam Bahasa Inggris, Determiner biasanya diletakkan sebelum noun.

  1. Adjective ( the delicious food)

  2.  complement dalam bentuk prepositional phrase (seperti:  the student of physics), or a That-clause (the idea  that the world is a small village 


Functions of a noun phrase (Fungsi Noun Phrase)

Noun phrases sanggup berfungsi sebagai berikut:

  1. A noun phrase sebagai subject

  2. A noun phrase sebagai direct object

  3. A noun phrase sebagai object of a preposition

  4. A noun phrase sebagai indirect object


Pola Pembentukan Noun Phrase

1.One-noun NPs

  • John, students

2. Determinative + N

  • that book, Alison’s divorce

3. Determinative + modifier + N

  • the unpleasant boy

4. Determinative + N + modifier

  • the dog on the sofa.


Examples of Noun Phrases ( Contoh Kalimat Noun Phrase) 

Noun Phrase as Subject:

  • That sophisticated womanis beautiful

  • The yellow houseis for sale.

  • The glistening snowcovered the field.

Noun Phrase as Direct object I want a skate board.

  • Should we buy the yellow house?

  • I likethe book that you bought.

Noun Phrase as Object of Preposition Jeff rode on a skate board.

  • Karen lives in the yellow house.

Noun Phrase as Indirect Object

  • Lisa gave the little boy a candy.

Latihan Soal

Identify the noun clauses in the following sentences.

  1. she hopes to win the first prize.

  2. We tried to solve the puzzle.

  3. Did you enjoy watching the movie?

  4. The boy wants to go home.

  5. Horses prefer living in dark stables.

  6. The accused refused to answer the question.

  7. The boy denied stealing the money.

  8. To write such rubbish is disgraceful.

  9. I dislike having to punish my kids.

  10. I will hate to do such a thing.


  1. Noun phrase:to win the first prize; it acts as the object of the verbhope

  2. Noun phrase:to solve the puzzle; it acts as the object of the verb tried

  3. Noun phrase:Watching the movie ; it acts as the object of the verb enjoy

  4. Noun phrase:to go home; it acts as the object of the verbwants

  5. Noun phrase:living in dark stables; it acts as the object of the verbprefer

  6. Noun phrase:to answer the question; it acts as the object of the verbrefused

  7. Noun phrase:stealing the money; it acts as the object of the verb denied

  8. Noun phrase:to write such rubbish; it acts as the subject of the verbis.

  9. Noun phrase:having to punish my kids; it acts as the object of the verbdislike.

  10. Noun phrase: to do such a thing; it acts as the object of the verb hate.

Demikianlah Penjelasan Materi bahasa Inggris Tentang Noun phrase, yang dikupas Tuntas Bersama IBI, mudah-mudahan sanggup menjadi rujukan mencar ilmu kalian. mohon maaf bila ada kekeliruan. atas kunjungannya diucapkan terimakasih.

_Belajar ialah Proses menghilangkan kebodohan_


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